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Showing posts from July, 2020

Import CSV file and generate Anki Deck on Android phone using Pydroid 3

When we have to create anki deck, then Anki Desktop needed. But in this post learn to create anki deck by importing csv, tsv or .txt file on Android. Steps: 1. Install Pydroid 3 from Play Store.  2. Install genanki python library inside Pydroid using pip. 3. Then download Anki Deck Export Tkinter   4. Run this script  5. Select file and fields separated by (tab, comma) 6. Click Import 7. Enter file name, title name, model name. 8. Enter name of fields to be mapped This generate default CSS for exporting deck. The css can be modified inside AnkiDroid app.  Note: It will run on Desktop also. View Code Demo

Practice Kanji by drawing strokes in Anki

Write Kanji Learn Kanji by drawing strokes Learn, read, write and practice Kanji by drawing strokes with Onyomi, Kunyomi and Meaning in English in Anki Desktop , AnkiDroid and AnkiMobile . Download From GitHub AnkiWeb Features Night mode Change size of characters Change drawing stroke width Characters listed at Show or hide Kanji, Onyomi, Kunyomi and Meaning Draw characters to learn Kanji with Onyomi, Kunyomi and Meaning Indicator at bottom for showing if character loaded or not ( green - loaded, red - not loaded or some error ) Note: Before importing Anki Deck please make backups with scheduling information.

Add update available option to Anki Deck (For deck developer)

Note : In latest version of Anki, it may not work. So, move this from deck description to card template. Future versions of Anki will block JS from the deck descriptions - the fact that it's currently allowed was just an oversight. When new deck released then users have to check it manually for update for that deck. But in this post learn to add update available option to your deck. (For deck developer). 1. Add a version json file to your deck. For example my deck “Write Kanji” has “version.json” file which contain following info. 2. That file can be accessed using CDN your-username / project-name /file-name Example for “Write Kanji” Deck: 3. Accessing that file in description of deck.  The file can be accessed using XMLHttpRequest() . Copy the code below and change link and version according to your deck respectively.  4. Full HTML/CSS/JS No

Add Google translate option to Anki Deck for AnkiDroid only

Many good Anki decks are in English language and reviewing the decks help to learn the subjects. But if we want to learn it in different language then it needs to be translated to other language.  In this post learn to add translate option to Anki Deck. (* AnkiDroid only) 1. Open Note Editor  2. Copy the following to Front / Back side of card template. 3. Save it and reopen the decks. Now select language it will translate automatically. Demo More:

Adding writing components to existing RTK Kanji deck

Note: View this updated page and video (Version 2.0) Watch demo video to add writing component to exisitng deck View In this post learn to add the writing component like this  Anki-xiehanzi . Before proceeding make backups with scheduling information.  1. First download and import the deck from  into Anki. Then open editor to edit HTML, CSS and JS. 2. Download Extract and copy the following  _hanzi_writer_xiehanzi.js and Material Icons Font  files from Add to Existing Deck (Kanji) folder and paste it to Anki/  folder. Download To more about View Anki Manual. 3. Front Side Then inside editor copy and add following code to front side of card. Note: The front side should contain kanji. Like this one. View front.html 4. Styling Now copy the following CSS and paste it to Styling